Light from the City of Light in this time of confinement,
join us for updates, inspiration and ideas
for what you can do if you are confined or not, how to help others and how we can help each other.
everything posted has been fact checks and links provided
8PM March 18, Parisians applaud our medical professionals for their extraordinary efforts in Day 2 of the confinement.
Merci to Jennifer Greco, aka Chez Loulou for this video with it’s inspirational message and view !
Cancer centers in France, and probably closer to you are giving all of their medical masks to their colleagues fighting the virus. They need masks to keep their patients healthy, but they’re the kind of mask you can sew from home. Here is a link to the pattern with instructions. The hospital ask sewers to use polar, or fleece lining made of polyester. REMEMBER : These masks will not protect you, or anyone else from COVID-19.
Institut de Cancer, Montpellier
Graphic artist Mathieu Persan wants to us all to understand we all need to stay inside! To spread the word, he’s inviting everyone to download & share the stunning poster he has made.
More of Mathieu’s graphic work
A fun opportunity to share your artistry with seniors who are terribly isolated right now due to self-quarantine. Help create a « virtual recital » by emailing a link to a track or two on your website, your YouTube page, or your latest platinum-selling album to my friend, Doug at doug (dot) gaddis (at) silverspringvillage (dot) org
Along with your link, be sure to include the title and the name of the performer/ensemble. It can be a solo piece or an ensemble with which you perform or conduct. If you’re a composer, you can link to a performance of one or two of your pieces. If you’re a teacher, now’s the time to show off your kids! Please send links to specific performances, rather than to your entire website, as he won’t have time to dig around on all the sites. Classical, jazz, country, folk, techno–all styles are welcome!
Thanks in advance from all the people at Silver Spring Village!
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